Current Project Focus
Educational Events
PEF sponsors educational events including film screenings and our environmental lecture series. Many of these events focus on the climate crisis, sea level rise and the impact on coastal communities. Members are also actively involved in open space and hillside preservation.
Visit our online calendar or "like" us on Facebook to keep informed.
Rockaway Ocean Conservation Stewards (ROCS)
The purpose of this program is to monitor, protect, and inform the public on the health and marine life in the intertidal zone, at the base of Aramai Point (the recently named promontory between Rockaway Beach and Pacifica State Beach, Linda Mar Beach).
Fiscal Sponsorship
PEF serves as the fiscal sponsor for local community projects that have an environmental focus, but lack the non-profit status. We extend our non-profit fiscal status to carefully screened projects, so they can raise funds for their important work through grants, fundraisers, and private donations. Our fiscally sponsored projects can focus on their work supporting Pacifica's environment without being burdened with the additional oversight of managing a non-profit. PEF is the custodian of each group’s funds and works with them to ensure that their dollars are used for the purposes intended by the donors/funders.
Do you have an environmental project that could use the support of a non-profit fiscal sponsor? We'd love to talk to you! Please contact us.
Kahuna Kupuna Surf Contest
PEF’s annual fundraising event is the Kahuna Kupuna Surf Contest, which takes place each summer. This is the only surf contest in the world that is specifically designed for surfers age 40 and over!