Current Projects
Coalition of Pacificans for an Updated Plan and Responsible Planning (CPUP)
CPUP is a coalition of Pacificans from across the city formed in 2020. The goal of the project is to build community through resource and information sharing, technical assistance and support for others who are dealing with environmental and safety concerns about projects across the neighborhoods of Pacifica. CPUP.org
Pacificans for a Scenic Coast
Pacificans for a Scenic Coast (PSC) aims to protect, preserve and restore the scenic coastal environs within the City of Pacifica. Their main focus was working to hold Caltrans accountable for doing an adequate Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the Calera Parkway Project.
Pacifica Shorebird Alliance
The mission of the Pacifica Shorebird Alliance is to engage and educate the public about the protection of local coastal birds and their eco-communities. https://sites.google.com/site/pacificashorebirdalliance/
Vallemar Conservators
Vallemar Conservators is a group of Pacifica residents concerned with the conservation of the urban forest in the Vallemar district of Pacifica.
FYI On Past Projects
After more than two decades of fiscal sponsorship under the Pacifica's Environmental Family unbrella, the Pacifica Beach Coalition (PBC) established their own nonprofit status in 2018. The organization has been renamed the Pacific Beach Coalition - for the work that the group has done and will continue to do that benefits the Pacific Ocean. PBC is dedicated to preserving the ocean, coastal habitat and wildlife, and ending litter through advocacy, education, community building, and citizen action. www.pacificbeachcoalition.org