NEWS About and Important to Pacifica
The Recording of "The People's Law: The Coastal Act and the California Coastal Commission" by Dr. Charles Lester is now available. The program was presented live on Thurs, Jan 25, 2024, in Pacifica with over 110 in attendance.
Click HERE to watch!
Over a period of many many many years, the City of Pacifica has been in process to update the Local Coastal Land Use Plan (LCLUP). Local Coastal Plans are a requirement of the State of California to ensure appropriate land use and development in the coastal zone (all land west of Highway One in Pacifica is in the coastal zone, plus the Shelldance Orchid Garden area/GGNRA Trailhead east of the highway).
Pacifica's Environmental Family was a supporter of the efforts of the plan, providing a letter of recommendation to the Coastal Conservancy for funding to achieve this important goal that would incorporate sea level rise and the increasing impacts of the climate crisis into city-wide planning.
Sound recommendations by California Coastal Commission staff have been made to bring the City's draft plan into compliance with the Coastal Act. Click HERE for Plan documents and share your voice at upcoming (early spring 2024) City Council and California Coastal Commission hearings.
"Can Seawall Save Us?" The New Yorker , Nov 5, 2023
Pacifica is featured in this article about the push to maintain and build larger seawalls, though the detrimental impact (environmentally and fiscally) of trying to hold-back nature's powerful force of water is clear.
"In the Face of Sea Level Rise, Can we Reimagine California's Vanishing Coastline?"
Rosanna Xia, Los Angeles Times, Aug 8, 2023
As the climate crisis accelerates, higher storm activity is taking place up and down the California Coast. Beaches are particularly at risk as communities continue their human efforts to hold back the water by armoring the coastline. Are there other approaches that can preserve our beaches and coast for current and future generations? There are, if we choose to look ahead and take steps now in a phased approach to live with the water that will come.